Merge Mansion Wiki

Area Story Event Icon IgnatiusBoulton Ignatius Boulton is a EventMergeGridButton Story Event in Merge Mansion. It is used to obtain the The Beginning Level 13 Stone Can.

Event Mechanics[]

Event-Ignatius Boulton01

Prerequisites: This event only opens once you have the "Fix Missing Item" Task which is unlocked at the beginning of Area Icon FrogPondFalls Frog Pond Falls.

How to get to it: Once you unlock the event, it will be available via the event button EventCalendarButton on the map screen in the upper left hand corner.

Reward: Garden Statue Level 6 Garden Statue. The item reward for this quest allows you to merge The Beginning Level 13 Stone Can. You earn rewards by levelling up.

Levelling up: To level up you need to collect Ignatius Boulton Level 1 Ignatius Boulton, these are generated by the Garden Furniture Level 1 Garden Furniture items.

Event Length: This event is only available for 3 days (72 hours) each round. Once the event is over, you can claim the rewards and start the event again. You will lose all your progress in the previous round and start over. However, you can keep replaying to get higher level Garden Statue Level 6 Stone Gate and gain additional Experience Points (XP) Level 1 Experience Points (XP) & Gold Coins Level 6 Gold Coins.

  • Note: As of January 2023, players are only given 3 hours to play, yet the event can still be manageable. It is currently unknown if Metacore will ever revert back to a 3 day format.

Event Gameplay Tips[]

  • Since you can play the event multiple times, sell the Numbers Level 7 Six (L7) to earn coins. Use the coins to buy extra storage space in the garage.
  • Even if you're not interested in the The Beginning Level 13 Stone Can, this event is an energy-efficient way to gather XP for leveling up by just merging numbers. The Rotary Phone Level 1 Rotary Phone drops low-level and high-level Numbers Level 1 Numberss with equal probability (except for number 4, which has a higher probability), and every number higher than 2 results in an XP star when merged.
  • In the current, revised version of this event (as of the November 2022 update), reaching Level six provides enough items to create the Garden Statue Level 6 Stone Gate and begin progression towards the The Beginning Level 13 Stone Can.

The 3 hour Event[]

As of January 2023, players are only given 3 hours to play.

  • It's highly energy-intensive, so “budget” 100 Energy for it. If you do it after waking up, your energy will be full.
  • When opening boxes at the start, you’re doomed if you don’t uncover the Box Pallet Level 1 Box Pallet.
  • Without the Box Pallet, you can’t get more 0s to open all the boxes to get the Rotary Phone Level 1 Rotary Phone and Grandfather Clock Level 1 Grandfather Clock.
  • You will also be doomed if the Grandfather Clock Level 1 Grandfather Clock doesn’t give you enough pieces to make an L1 Small Time Charger Level 1 Time Charger.
  • If you cannot make a Time Charger Level 1 Time Charger, try to open all the boxes and dusted numbers, making Piggy Banks and tapping them out, then merging them etc. until you get the max Cash Register Level 5 Cash Register.
  • Tap out the phone and start the Time Charger Level 1 Time Charger to halve the time it recharges.
  • By this time you should have approximately 30 energy left. After this it’s just a matter of tapping out the Rotary Phone Level 1 Rotary Phone whenever it recharges.
  • At some point energy will run out anyway, so there’s no point making another Time Charger Level 1 Time Charger when it runs out. Keep an eye on the countdown timer and try to juggle time left vs energy left to optimize Rotary Phone Level 1 Rotary Phone +Cash Register Level 5 Cash Register output.


  • The event can be replayed multiple times as long as rewards have been claimed from the event’s previous run-through.
  • The event will end and can no longer be played when the The Beginning Level 13 Stone Can is turned in.
  • After the The Beginning Level 13 Stone Can is turned in, all event items used in the making of the can will turn into a Gold Coins Level 1 Gold Coin (L1). You can sell the items before turning in the can in order to make much more.
    • Before selling your Garden Statue Level 6 Garden Statue, you can use it to create items to sell, if you are low on Coins.

Item Trees[]

As soon as the event ends, you will lose access to the event garage and all items in the event garage will disappear when you start the next round. As such, you can sell all the items before the event ends for additional coins.


Click on the thumbnail to enlarge and view full size.

Ignatius Boulton Story Event

Event Rewards[]

IB finish

Event Progress can be found, by clicking the Button on the lower right hand side.

It shows the current Level for the event and what the rewards will be.

Rewards will be given out as soon as the event ends.

The maximum level is 5.

Rewards per Level[]

Reward per Level


Number of Garden Statue Lvl
Garden statue 01
Garden statue 02
Garden statue 03
Add Total Add Total Add Total
0 - - - - - - -
1 41 Event XP Star (I) 2 2 1 1 - -
2 62 Event XP Star (I) 1 3 2 3 - -
3 82 Event XP Star (I) 1 4 1 4 1 1
4 150 Event XP Star (I) - 4 2 6 1 2
5 200 Event XP Star (I) - 4 2 8 1 3

Merged Items[]

Merged Items
Lvl Merged Items
0 -
1 1x Lvl 3Garden statue 03
2 1x Lvl 1 Garden statue 01, 1x Lvl 4Garden statue 04
3 1x Lvl 5 Garden statue 05
4 1x Lvl 4Garden statue 04, 1x Lvl 5 Garden statue 05
5 1x Lvl 6Garden statue 06


Ignatius Boulton's story is told through the Ignatius Boulton Level 1 Ignatius Boulton items:

Ignatius Boulton Level 1 A new adventure lies ahead for young Ignatius and his family.
Ignatius Boulton Level 2 They travelled across the ocean to the Big Apple.
Ignatius Boulton Level 3 Cans made out of tin used to preserve the food during the journey.
Ignatius Boulton Level 4 The Boulton family settled in Illinois.
Ignatius Boulton Level 5 Papa's got a brand new store.
Ignatius Boulton Level 6 By age of 15 Ignatius had dropped out of school.
Ignatius Boulton Level 7 He took a job in his father's store.
Ignatius Boulton Level 8 While sweeping the floors Ignatius had a stroke of genius.
Ignatius Boulton Level 9 He took his idea to the bank, and a tin can factory was born.
Ignatius Boulton Level 10 Tin can demand made young Ignatius a rich man.
Ignatius Boulton Level 11 With his new-found wealth, Ignatius built a mansion.
Ignatius Boulton Level 12 Passion for travel sent Ignatius around the world in search for a soulmate.


Accessible via button on the lower right hand side.

Ignatius Boulton
Lvl Image Name Starting Cost* Max Cost
1 Numbers01 Zero Coins 45 Coins 780
1 TimeChargerShard01 Time Charger Shard Coins 19 Coins 94
1 TimeCharger01 Time Charger Gems 30 Gems 30
1 DustRemover Dust Remover Gems 30 Gems 30
6 Numbers06 Five Coins 98 Coins 350
1 Asset TimeSkip 01 Time Skip Booster Gems 50 Gems 50

*The cost for the items rises with each item bought.


Before November 2022 The rewards received had a maximum level of 21.
After November 2022 The rewards received had a maximum level of 6.
Before January 2023 The Event was unlocked at the end of Area Icon TheGrandDrive The Grand Drive.
After January 2023 The Event now unlocks at the beginning of Area Icon FrogPondFalls Frog Pond Falls.