Merge Mansion Wiki

Paint Level 4 Paint is an item in Merge Mansion. It is used on the Main Board.

Gameplay Tips[]



Paint Level 1 The perfect color for making a splash.

Paint Level 2 If you're feeling blue, try this hue.

Paint Level 3 Mysterious elegance in every stroke.

Paint Level 4 Fruity tones, fiery vibes!

Paint Level 5 When life gives you lemons, throw this shade.

Paint Level 6 Enough to fill every printer in Hopewell Bay.

Paint Level 7 Paint the Mansion or the entire town!


Merge Stages[]

Lvl Image Item Sells for Drops*
1 Paint Can Level 1 Small Neon Green Paint Can Coins1
2 Paint Can Level 2 Medium Azure Dream Paint Can Coins2
3 Paint Can Level 3 Medium Lavender Grandma Paint Can Coins4
4 Paint Can Level 4 Medium Orange Burst Paint Can Coins6
5 Paint Can Level 5 Large Lemon Drop Paint Box Coins12
6 Paint Can Level 6 Hopewell Cyan Paint Set Coins25
7 Paint Can Level 7 Hopeberry Festival Paint Collection Coins51 Experience Points (XP) Level 1 1 XP Star

*XP drops upon merge and does not repeat, item drops generate repeatedly unless parent item is destroyed or sold.

Double Bubbles[]

Paint: Double Bubbles*
Lvl Image Item Odds Popping Cost Lifetime
Medium Azure Dream Paint Can 5% Gems19 2m
Medium Lavender Grandma Paint Can 22% Gems32 2m
Medium Orange Burst Paint Can 40% Gems40 3m
5 Large Lemon Drop Paint Can 60% Gems56 3m
6 Hopewell Cyan Paint Set 70% Gems78 3m
7 Hopeberry Festival Paint Collection 80% Gems108 3m

*Double Bubbles only appear for Levels 2 or higher, as they are created by merging. If they are removed or just not popped, they transform into a Gold Coins Level 3 Gold Coins (L3) after their lifetime countdown is finished.
