Maddie finds yet another statue. Grandma tells her she's based on a relative of hers but doesn't reveal more.
After 34 Cut some of the withered branches
Maddie: This grand old oak tree must have been such a beauty back in the day…
Maddie: I can imagine it being a popular meeting point!
Maddie: It’ll need lots of tender loving care and hydration to return to it’s original state.
Maddie: Hold on, are those… envelopes in the trunk?
After 36 Look inside of the tree hole
Maddie: They are envelopes! Looks like they’ve been here a long time…
Maddie: judging by the heart, it’s definitely a love letter. Ooh, this is so exciting!
Maddie: Let’s see here. Hmm, the ink is a bit faded…
Maddie: “At first I was worried about our differences. We come from very different worlds, as you know, but you were right.”
Maddie: “True love defies everything. The first time we met under this very oak tree, all my doubts disappeared.”
Maddie: Oh, my! Who are these mystery love birds?!
After 38 Take down the old swing
Maddie: Another Letter! The handwriting looks different…
Maddie: “My dear Lionhearted, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you at the dance tonight.”
*** missing rest of text ***
After 39 Fix the swing
Maddie: Untangling that swing was quite a feat! Now I can finally try it out!
Maddie: I have to admit, swings always bring out my inner child.
Maddie: Ooh, there are some initials carved into the wood. V? No, W and the other one is…. to defaced for me to recognize.
Maddie: Darn it. Well, at least I have one initial to work with…
After 41 Cut the last dead branches
Roddy: Hi, Maddie! What are you up to?
Maddie: Roddy, you won’t believe it! I was fixing up this place when I found love letters hidden in the old oak tree!
Maddie: These letters are so swoon-worthy! Listen to this…
Maddie: “Every day without you is torture, my Lionheart. I so wish that we could walk hand-in-hand for all to see.”
Roddy: Wow! That’s intense.
Roddy: Say, Maddie, do you like love letters? I mean, if um, someone were to write you one?
Maddie: Of course! Expressing yourself like that is a lost art form these days…
Roddy: Really? Oh um, I just remembered I have something to do. I’ll catch up with you later!
Maddie: That was odd…
After 42 Water the tree
Maddie: I found a letter that was stuck to the previous one! It seems sadder than the others. Words have been scratched out…
Maddie: “Things are getting tougher. I feel like I’m constantly being watched.”
Maddie: “There are questions surrounding my operation and the legitimacy of the money.”
Maddie: “We might have to leave sooner than expected.”
Maddie: “I can’t wait for our new life together, my darling Winnie.”
Maddie: Winnie? Hmm, whoever could that be?
After 43 Give some more water
Maddie: Oh, no! I think Rufus has been digging the ground again.
Maddie: Wait a second, there’s something buried here. That’s probably why!
After 44 Dig the ground
Maddie: Wow, it’s an old suitcase! It’s got some shoes and clothes…
Maddie: And a whole bunch of silver that looks like it came from the mansion. Probably stolen.
Maddie: There’s a stack of love letters as well!!
Maddie: The last love letter I read mentioned that these lovebirds were planning to run away…
Maddie: This has to be what they were going to use to start their new life elsewhere!
Maddie: It seems like they were ready to leave. Why didn’t they?
After 53 Water the flowers
Maddie: Reading those love letters made me feel like I was right there with them.
Roddy: What they went through sounds pretty distressing.
Maddie: I wish I could know that everything worked out but the fact the suitcase is here says otherwise.
Roddy: True, I’m quite curious about this shady operation, though…
Roddy: I wonder if it was happening on mansion grounds.
Roddy: I have a feeling that the butler would know. He’s been around for ages!
Maddie: The butler? It looks like I have more discoveries to make! Hey, what’s this?
Roddy: Oh, you must have missed a letter…
Maddie: “Roses are red, violets are blue. I don’t really like poems, but i do like you”
Roddy: Ahem, Roddy? Did you write this?
Roddy: Nuh-uh, I believe you have a secret admirer!
Maddie: Haha, that’s one secret I guess I can live with!